Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Kristin wrote a really lovely piece a few weeks ago about how Christians should approach victories and defeats. I hold her words very close these days. And yes, I clicked the video the second the email came in. Really really appreciate you all getting together and offering your thoughts tonight.

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Thank you all for staying up late to convocate!

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Thank you for sharing Heather’s perspective. I noted this news article & discussion:

“while Mr Biden can still govern the country, perhaps he no longer has what it takes to win the election.”


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Is this a fair interpretation of what Robert said about polls:

"What does it mean if polls have a 3-point margin of error?

Does it mean that you need to see a 7-point difference , otherwise it's really a tie? e.g. candidate X shows as 4 points ahead, but if that is 3 points too high and the "trailing candidate" may actually be showing 3 points too low -- he/she is actually in the lead."

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Thanks for doing this. There aren't going to be any easy outs of this crisis. Perhaps the notion there should be a simple solution to achieving decent and intelligent government is itself a fantasy, a species of American exceptionalism. We're just people; there are a lot of us of many different kinds and conditions. We have to work at living together. Democracy is not a spectator sport.

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I don’t think, in reality, it will change things much. We need to stand behind Joe Biden. He has been traveling the globe the last few weeks, he was sick with a respiratory virus, he had to listen to trumps lies from the first seconds and they got unbelievably worse as the evening went on. Biden at least was answering the questions posed to him. Let’s buck up!!

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