May 30Liked by Robert P. Jones

I’m excited, too, to be part of this launch - especially since I have already subscribed to each of your Substacks!

It seems that y’all have been talking about, even incarnating some of the wisdom in John 15. Here’s what I mean, in Eugene Peterson’s rendering and my edit for gender inclusivity:

“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you, but if I go, I will send HER to you.

“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, SHE will guide you into all the truth” (vv. 7, 12-13).”

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May 30Liked by Robert P. Jones

You had me at "substack" when I saw 4 of my favorites!

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So excited to be part of The Convocation launch - especially since EGP follows you all individually! All I can say is: Powerful! 💥

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May 31Liked by Robert P. Jones

This space is incredible! I subscribe to you four…probably because I’ve seen you on Homebrewed Christianity or read about you in The Cottage. I also have read or am reading a book from each of you (or many more from Diana). The video sharing is very valuable - May it continue as you are able, as it seems to rejuvenate and inspire each of you as much as it does for me as a viewer!

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My latest writing, (a letter to Ted Cruz my Senator)after Trump became a convicted felon.

Letters are my activism.

Ted Cruz

I write this letter to honor my father.I grew up in a Mennonite home.We ran a family farm and fruit market.

My father use to say, he was leery of doing business with a man who cheated on his wife.This man's word is not to be trusted for his broke his covenant with his wife.

Wow!!!! What a man. The Republicans think truth does not matter. As a woman I feel disrespected by the Republican men, and I am disgusted by Republican Party.

Gloria Brubaker

Houston Tx 77025

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How exciting this is! To have a place where each of your four incredible voices can be heard separately in your writing, as well as together in your video discussions, is awesome! Thank you for putting this collaboration together. To have this launch today, of all days, is quite momentous, with the intersection of politics, white christian nationalism, and justice being displayed in an unprecedented way today.

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I can’t wait to see what bubbles forth from this collaboration. 🙏🏼

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Love that y’all are doing this and I’ve found such value in all four of y’all’s work individually. Please DO more of these video conversations as discussed!

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I'd like to suggest a guest to host; a fellow historian and follower of Jesus way; Rev. Dr. William Yoo, author of What Kind of Christianity: A History of Slavery and Anti-Black Racism in the Presbyterian Church. Look him up on YouTube. Tell him I sent you!

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It is sad that this novel group (The Convocation) has taken a political positioin on Doald Trump's candidacy. Many Christians do not agree with the "weaponization" of the justice system to interfere with Trump's candidacy. Whatever one may believe about Donald Trump, justice has been compromised here. I was looking forward to your new adventure and the ideas of the four writers involved. But commenting on this politcal event is very troubling. Christians do not need to be

"enlightened" and can be offended by the taking of a position on such matters. I am disappointed in your focusing on this divisive issue instead of a stimulating conversation that could expand awareness on the chaos consuming our country now. A missed opportunity!

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I'm giddy with excitement with the news of this collaboration. Like Jemar, I was struck by Dianna's contrast of apologist and advocate, and then KKDuMez's further exploration of how we change (from glory to glory?) when we (with unveiled faces?) confront and are confronted by Truth.

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Four of my favorite people!!! How exciting! I look forward to read and hear the Convocation!!!🙌

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Just watched the video...I appreciate the way the video does what Kristin suggests that good research does. It takes those of us watching to a different place in our understanding of each of your writing than where we started...Please if you are able, keep inviting us along on the journey...

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Greeting sisters and brothers of the faith. I recently completed my thesis on the Silence of White Evangelicals on Justice. I quoted some of your books. I am heartbroken over the mindset of members in our kingdom family. But God is at work because the world needs to see the oneness of John 13:34-35. I look forward to this magazine. I have been involved with evangelicals for 50 yrs. I hope to meet you all and talk about a needed conference. Donald Burlock, ThM, DMin.

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Voting John Anderson in 1980! So I'm not the only one with those tendencies?

Even that single story from the video has given me lots to think about as far as how I use (or typically throw away) my vote. Thank you.

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